5 Ways to Incorporate the Quranic Barakah into Your Life

Written by Hafiz Muhammad on September 5, 2022

Most people would answer that prayer is how they interact with the Quran on a daily basis. If we fulfil the basic minimum of our religious obligations, we recite the Quran at least five times a day, several times, in its whole. However, occasionally we could discover that we are not experiencing barakah in our daily activities. We must be proactive with our efforts, just like with anything in life, but especially so when it comes to the afterlife.

Here are 5 strategies for keeping a beneficial and varied Quran habit in your life:

1. Recite

Reading Allah's words in the language in which they were revealed is one of the first and maybe most fundamental ways to interact with Him. Create a habit, but be sure you can keep it up. It is preferable to read a few ayahs consistently each day rather than starting with a page and then slowing down because you can't keep up that pace. Don't limit yourself, and if you feel like you can recite a little bit more one day than another, go ahead. Just make sure you stay consistent. The Divine Guidance's words have an impact on people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. They're recovering. They are guardians. They're getting better. And keep in mind that Allah appreciates work and struggle.

2. Read

To process the ideas, read the Quran in a language you are familiar with. Sit them down. Reading the Quran like any other book can be helpful at times. Read was the first ayah given to the Prophet PBUH. It was a directive. It only seems sense that it should be a significant way for us to receive divine guidance because without it, we cannot increase our knowledge or achieve meaningful learning.

3. Consider

Think on the verses you just read. Reading and reciting the Quran are undoubtedly useful methods to interact with it, but without really considering the verses, we cannot experience the spiritual uplift that Allah wants for us. Each of us is travelling a unique path through life. Since no two people are exactly alike, neither are our difficulties nor our experiences. However, there are hints and lessons for everyone in this book. We gain the spiritual and mental fortitude we require by being able to think on and relate to Quranic texts on a personal and spiritual level. When we need it, it realigns us and serves as a reminder of what is actually important.

4. Keep and Examine

Dedicate a day and hour during the week to memorising and reviewing the Quran. Although reviewing with a partner is recommended, do what you can to make it work for you. Add extra once you're comfortable. We can actually encounter the Quran on our own through the ayahs that we memorise. The passages you have remembered will have a lot bigger impact (and reward!) than those you only rarely connect with when you are reading and pondering on it.

5. Repeat

Finally, repeat the process! Continue the cycle, rearrange the steps if you like, and alter as necessary, but give yourself permission to interact with the Quran in each of these ways so that you can genuinely experience its blessings in your life.

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